

Excellent facilities with high end technology, Very welcoming and friendly doctors. Best for orthodontics...Would recommend for kids and elders.

Abinaya Anandhan


Dr Jay Krishna and his team of doctors have a friendly atmosphere with utmost care.. its is very comfortable for ladies as they have a team of lady doctors who attend patients with good care and have patience to clear all our doubts and queries.. I would highly recommend for all women as they provide a safe environment with excellent dental care.

Sasireka Anandhan


I've known Dr. Jayakrishna since I was 14, when my teeth required braces. It was a brilliant job – 18 months later, my crooked teeth were all perfectly set. Since then, my teeth have required several treatments (due to my acidic saliva), and every time the doctor has been patient (no pun intended!) when listening to feedback and made adjustments where required. The high-tech laser equipment used makes the treatment process almost completely pain-free. But you have to be sure to follow instructions properly following treatment – else be prepared for an admonishment!

Krishnaa Lakshmanan


I live in the California, USA. Dental care is very expensive in the US. Even with the best Dental insurance, the out of pocket expenses for the patient is very high. I visited Dr. Jayakrishna's clinic in Chennai and was very impressed with the quality of the clinic, the reputation of the doctor and the level of service. I got multiple surgeries (2 root canals, 2 crowns and wisdom teeth removal) all done within one weekend on a Friday/Saturday. Besides the fraction of the cost for a high quality treatment, the single visit service was the most valuable for me since I was on a short visit to India.

Jay Balasubramani
